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Greetings and welcome to the Iowa Park Band program! This site is exclusively for WFGMS Band Members. Here you will find all the latest news and details on upcoming events. Feel free to look around and contact us if you have any questions! 


- Hawk Band Directors 

Join our WFGMS Hawk Band App to Stay up to Date on all MS Hawk Band Events!
All WFGMS Hawk Band Members and Parent/Guardians need to be a part of our group. 
The Iowa Park Hawk Band

The Iowa Park Hawk Band is an award winning program, with a long standing tradition of success. 
We believe music exposes an individual to concepts of lasting cultural values: beauty, self expression, discipline, responsibility and a positive contribution towards a greater whole.
Music, band in particular, is an experience unlike any offered in the entire school spectrum.  It teaches the analytical, cooperative and communicative skills emphasized in a school curriculum, but also allows students to explore a deeper realm of achievement and expression.  Band accomplishes this, not through the framework and support of language, but through the unique self-expression of music.
With this in mind we strive to develop student musicians as individuals and as members of an ensemble; members whose mission is to represent themselves and their community through excellence in performance.


  • December 10th: Winter Concert (ALL MS Band Students)

    • 6:30pm @ WFGMS Gym​

    • 6th Grade Attire: Tie-Dye Band Shirt, Jeans, and Closed-Toed Shoes

    • 7th/8th Grade Attire: Band Polo, Black Pants, and Closed Toed-Shoes


Congratulations to the Hawk Band members who auditioned and were selected as members of the 2024 All-District MS Band!
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Head MS Band Director - Jonathan Fortson 
Tel: (940) 592-4784 ext. 1318  |

MS/HS Assistant Director - Caroline Deitch 
Tel: (940) 592-4784 ext. 1341  |

WF George Middle School 
412 East Cash Street, Iowa Park, TX 76367
Phone: (940) 592-4784

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